The Way Home

For INFINITI’s 2019 QX50 campaign they wanted to continue to push their new strategic position, Luxury Should Be Lived In. We saw an opportunity to make something that could not only show ‘Luxury’ and ‘Real Life’ at the same time, but could also touch on something that was cultural sensitive. Unfortunately, no matter how much the client loved that last part, outside forces required we remove a particular scene from the final TVC. We’re still extremely proud of the progress this film made for the brand and the story we crafted.



For this film we wanted to bring ‘Luxury’ and ‘Real Life’ into the same space and show how one couple’s journey could beautifully juxtapose the two at the same time. To do this we used a ‘picture in picture’ technique that compressed the time of our couple’s road trip, which required that we shoot certain setups exactly the same in completely different locations. What started with every scene split into two inevitably got reduced down to what you see above.

Check out some BTS shots captured by Mara Barros below.

A little treat for your eyes.

We all love a Director’s Cut so feast our eyes on our director Rob Chiu’s take. You’ll also notice a few extra scenes we would’ve loved to get approved.


Beat That Champions Cup


Born In Japan